What’s new in ElecRoc 6090 version
1.Optimize the function of “Combine front / back signatures into one PPF”
Combine front / back signatures into one PPF: If checked, it generates one ink file to describe the ink setting. If not, it generates two ink files, one describing the front side, the other for the back side.
Fixed rules: Combine the pairs of back and front signatures into one PPF which come from Imposer and Composer nodes.
Custom rules: Combine two files which come from the other nodes except Imposer and Composer nodes into one PPF according to the defined rules: Joint symbol, Front, Back.
For example, the front file name is Filename-A and the back file name is Filename-B, Joint symbol, Front and Back should be -, A and B.
2. Update the kernel
The new kernel improves the processing speed and the stability.
3. Support Device N color space
Solves the problem that the device N color space makes some objects lost or color mismatch.
4.Optimize the trap function
Supports gray image trapping, and improve the function of the spot color trapping.
5. Change the output order of separation in 1 Bit Tiff Export module
The order of output separation is changed to Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, spots in 1 bit tiff export module.
6. Add the coordinate function in Imposer and Composer modules
It is easy to get the page or layout position with sheet or paper.
7. Add black preserve for gray graphic and image in PDF CMS module
When the gray objects are changed to CMYK color mode, black preserve make gray mapping to black separation.
8. Using the surface name to name the file name in PDF Merger module
The output file name in PDF Merger module is named with the surface name.
9. Add the multi-selected function for Archive
More than one job can be selected for archive.
10. Modify some bugs in ElecRoc V6065
a. The inner error appears in tune curve, when gray mode is selected in PDF Rasterizer node;
b. The incorrect tag of 1 bit tiff file makes the 1 bit tiff to PDF failed;
c. Feed paper adjustment can’t be printed;
d. The incorrect direction of color bar and customer mark for Perfector printing method;
e. The long file name causes the processing failed in PDF Rasterizer and 1 bit tiff export modules;
f. The Space character in file name causes the processing failed in PDF Rasterizer and 1 bit tiff export modules;
g. The Space character in custom mark causes the previewer failed;
h. The edit error of preflight processor in ElecRoc Spanish version;
i. Can't create color tune curve in ElecRoc Spanish version;
j. Can’t save the parameters of “Shading Quality” and “Image Quality” in PDF Rasterizer in ElecRoc Spanish version;
k. The backup and archive errors in Mac client. The errors are in the resources: “EcoInk”, “Proof color solution” and “Ganging resource”;
l. The C,M,Y,K color value of all line marks is zero;
m. The marks added in PDF Rasterizer node are not in the correct position or disappeared;
n. Spot color separation can’t be displayed with the CMYK color value defined in spot color table;
o. The size of 1 bit tiff file is bigger than the original file;
p. The result of trim box is incorrect in PDF Generator in Spanish version;
q. The incorrect position of smart text mark for Perfector printing method.